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Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets by Brayniacs LLC Image

Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets by Brayniacs LLC

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Everybody's laundry pet peeve is finally solved! I am the inventor of Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets, the new laundry gadget that prevents tangled, twisted, balled-up sheets in both the washing machine and the dryer!
* Entire load comes out…
Everybody's laundry pet peeve is finally solved! I am the inventor of Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets, the new laundry gadget that prevents tangled, twisted, balled-up sheets in both the washing machine and the dryer!
* Entire load comes out cleaner
* Dries up to 75% faster with fewer wrinkles
* Washing machine stays balanced
* Drastically reduces wet clothes getting trapped in sheets
* Far more effective than dryer balls
* Protects sheets and appliances from wear-and-tear
* Reusable
* Made in USA
Saves time, money, energy... and sanity!

Wad-Free® for Bed Sheets by Brayniacs LLC Image

Cyndi Bray

Cyndi Bray Photo

Cyndi Bray

Our Story

Despite purchasing a new high-capacity, high-efficiency washer and dryer set, Cyndi Bray came to the sad realization that laundering her sheets was ironically an all-day affair. As most every other laundry-doer experienced, her sheets always wadded… Despite purchasing a new high-capacity, high-efficiency washer and dryer set, Cyndi Bray came to the sad realization that laundering her sheets was ironically an all-day affair. As most every other laundry-doer experienced, her sheets always wadded up, resulting in copious amounts of wasted time and energy. Without a background in product development, engineering, or manufacturing, Cyndi independently designed and invented the first-ever wad preventer for the washing machine and dryer, bringing it to market in just 14 months from concept to its June 2020 pandemic launch. And the rest is laundry history.