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ValidateME! is a foreign transcript evaluation service company. We evaluate records from +120 countries around the world to assist with the transition and assimilation of immigrant/international students into U.S. high schools.
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ValidateME! is a foreign transcript evaluation service company. We evaluate records from +120 countries around the world to assist with the transition and assimilation of immigrant/international students into U.S. high schools.
ValidateME! is not only a woman owned business, but a business consisting of only women employees. We are a passionate group who believes in the power of education and the opportunities it brings. We are dedicated to leveling the playing field for recent immigrant students entering high school in the United States.
Each one of our evaluations helps these students achieve the goal of a high school graduation and beyond.

ValidateME! Image

Elizabeth Llongueras

Elizabeth Llongueras Photo

Elizabeth Llongueras

Our Story

Coming soon.