
Sister Girl Publishing LLC

The mission of Sister Girl Publishing LLC. is to provide children's literature, Sister Girl apparel, Sister Girl children's home furnishings, and educational tools that encourage, motivate and enlighten our children and communities.
Sister Girl…
The mission of Sister Girl Publishing LLC. is to provide children's literature, Sister Girl apparel, Sister Girl children's home furnishings, and educational tools that encourage, motivate and enlighten our children and communities.
Sister Girl Publishing was created on November 16, 2016. It was created to provide early childhood literature and educational tools that encourage children to read, believe in their creative abilities, and be motivated to achieve their goals. There is a great need for books about African American girls believing in themselves by authors of African American descent. Sister Girl Publishing was established to give back to our community and offer a fun and educational avenue for children to imagine and explore the world. The books are engaging stories that help develop the reader and offer a true-life lesson. The main character learns that to achieve her goals, she must be patient and resilient. These are lessons that our children need to see and learn. Sister Girl Publishing wants children to read the books and to know that their goals are attainable with dedication and perseverance.
The Sister Girl Collection is an empowerment book series that encourage young girls to be courageous, creative and live productive lives. Each book teaches a new lesson, skill, or touches on exploring the world. Readers can grow with Sister Girl as they also experience new things in their own lives. Families can add this collection to their home library, sharing the stories and lessons for years to come.

Nicole Fenner
Our Story
Coming soon.