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Living Harmony, LLC Image

Living Harmony, LLC

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Living Harmony leads the way in holistic and coach-centered organizing that empowers people to success. services offered:

Living Harmony, LLC Image

Erika Salloux

Erika Salloux Photo

Erika Salloux

Our Story

“Organizing" popped into my head often. I ignored it. It didn't give up on me. I pushed it away because I thought organizing wasn’t a job, my natural organization skills grew out of my rigid uncreative side, and it could not engage my favorite… “Organizing" popped into my head often. I ignored it. It didn't give up on me. I pushed it away because I thought organizing wasn’t a job, my natural organization skills grew out of my rigid uncreative side, and it could not engage my favorite talents and feed my soul's desire to be of service to others. Well, I finally couldn't drown out that "organizing" word and voice any longer. It was as the Swiss Jesuit Hans Urs von Balthasar said ". . . you have nothing to choose, you have been called . . .." Once I started organizing for others, I was immediately immersed in a sense that this work had always been a part of me. My presumptions were all erroneous. And I am blessed to be able to bring my clients more clarity, energy, and peacefulness.

Living Harmony, LLC
Living Harmony, LLC
Living Harmony, LLC
Living Harmony, LLC
Living Harmony, LLC
Living Harmony, LLC