
History Chip, LLC

History is created one micro story at a time until it forms a complete mosaic of the complexity and depth of our larger story.
Our Mission is to be a platform for storytellers and readers that expands our understanding of everyday experiences…
History is created one micro story at a time until it forms a complete mosaic of the complexity and depth of our larger story.
Our Mission is to be a platform for storytellers and readers that expands our understanding of everyday experiences from all over the world.
Many historical stories help fill out the truth of our history. It's like a jigsaw puzzle that requires all the pieces to present the entire picture. Every puzzle piece is a "chip" of our history. And the short life stories put together will complete the puzzle.
History Chip revolutionizes the way we view history. By including stories from all of us, History Chip provides a more complete picture of global history.
The history of the rich and powerful, the 1%, has its place, but only if it sits alongside the rest of the world's history. History Chip began in 2009 as an effort to include the historical stories of the 99% previously left of out of history.
We want your stories included in history because:
Multiple stories present the truth more accurately than only one person's perspective or recollection.
Without the stories of people of color, women, people in developing countries, and others not usually included in historical documents, history just can't be true, complete, or accurate.
History Chip is a research tool for historians, a technology platform for storytellers across the globe, and a place for humanity to come together.

Jean McGavin
Our Story
Coming soon.