

My name is Myeasha Brown and I am the CEO of ForeverScrubss. I am looking to raise money to help me pay for my new journey as an entrepreneur in the medical field. ForeverScrubss is a medical scrubs company. Being that I work first hand in the… My name is Myeasha Brown and I am the CEO of ForeverScrubss. I am looking to raise money to help me pay for my new journey as an entrepreneur in the medical field. ForeverScrubss is a medical scrubs company. Being that I work first hand in the medical field I know the high demands for medical scrubs. Foreverscrubss is a company that was created in which to help support the high demand of scrubs in multiple buisnesses including hospitals, clinics, procedure offices, as well as daycare facilities. Your donation will go toward the product, marketing, shipping materials, and the website. Every donation is very much appreciated and I am greatful for any and everything. Thank you in advance for your contribution. You have no idea how much it means to me to have your support.

Myeasha Brown
Our Story
I have always had a passion for the medical field since I was young. During college during my clinical roations in 2018-2019 my sites have always complained about needing more scrubs for fashion and comfortability. As I have landed my first job as a… I have always had a passion for the medical field since I was young. During college during my clinical roations in 2018-2019 my sites have always complained about needing more scrubs for fashion and comfortability. As I have landed my first job as a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer I still to this day hear all medical staff complain about the need for scrubs. So I have came to a conclusion that scrubs are in high demand and if I can help fullfill that demand while making money why not do it.