
Family Agriculture Resource Management Services (F.A.R.M.S.)

(F.A.R.M.S.) mission is to provide legal and technical services to aging small farmers of color while reducing hunger in the farmers rural community.
We have three programs:
First, we provide pro bono legal service to small rural farmers in…
(F.A.R.M.S.) mission is to provide legal and technical services to aging small farmers of color while reducing hunger in the farmers rural community.
We have three programs:
First, we provide pro bono legal service to small rural farmers in the area of civil rights and estate planning. Through our attorney network we have saved Black farms from foreclosure, assisted in Pigford (Black farmers class action settlement) litigation and settlement, executed testamentary will's and more. Collectively we have provided over 40 farm families with legal assistance, executed wills for over 15 farmers and protected thousands of acres from foreclosure.
Second, we purchase produce from small farmers and donate it to our hunger relief partners some of which include food banks and food pantries. Since 2014 we have purchased and donated over 1.2 million pounds of produce and last year in response to coVid we donated over 750,000 lbs. of produce and dry foods.
Third, we provide emergency financial assistance to farmers through our farmers emergency fund i.e. past due utility, farm loan payments, etc. We have disbursed over $150,000 in emergency aid over the past few years to over 100 primarily Black farmers.

Jillian Hishaw
Our Story
Coming soon.