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Dear Princess

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Dear Princess started when I wrote my first children's poem book "Dear Princess" . The book is filled with self-love, affirmations and girl power. I want to expand Dear Princess with more books, hair bows, jewelry etc. to motivate our young girls.… Dear Princess started when I wrote my first children's poem book "Dear Princess" . The book is filled with self-love, affirmations and girl power. I want to expand Dear Princess with more books, hair bows, jewelry etc. to motivate our young girls. Girls are powerful and I want every young Princess to feel loved and special. This business is very therapeutic for myself. I was once a girl with low confidence. I'm now 30 and I still feel like I'm figuring it out lol. I want girls to know no matter where we are in life, no matter our age we are all smart, beautiful and talented Princesses.

Dear Princess  Image

Briana Hill

Briana Hill Photo

Briana Hill

Our Story

Coming soon.