
Blueveilwellness Fertility Consulting

We are an online wellness and nutrition consulting company. Our passion is to help women who are going through the journey of infertility. Our goal is to help and guide health-conscious and motivated women, who are ready to take charge of their… We are an online wellness and nutrition consulting company. Our passion is to help women who are going through the journey of infertility. Our goal is to help and guide health-conscious and motivated women, who are ready to take charge of their health so that they can enhance their fertility and be ready for a healthy pregnancy.

Cristy Murray
Our Story
As an Infertility survivor with 2 wonderful kids, Cristy Murray has a passion for helping women who struggle with infertility. As a veteran and women's health provider, Cristy has made it my mission to give back and empower women to be their own… As an Infertility survivor with 2 wonderful kids, Cristy Murray has a passion for helping women who struggle with infertility. As a veteran and women's health provider, Cristy has made it my mission to give back and empower women to be their own advocates for their health. So that they can create a family that is thriving and healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. Her training includes a Masters of Science in Nursing as well as certifications in Functional Medicine, Functional and Precision Nutrition.