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Berry N Transit Rentals

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When you obtain your Commercial Driver License via BNTR, you own your license and will continue to do so as long as they are renewed. Many companies offer to train you but they in turn will own your commercial license for a duration of six months,… When you obtain your Commercial Driver License via BNTR, you own your license and will continue to do so as long as they are renewed. Many companies offer to train you but they in turn will own your commercial license for a duration of six months, sometimes even up to a year and the company will pay you less then you are worth. Per state law if you quit or are fired before your contracts duration ends you're at risk of loosing your license or endorsement.
Via Berry N Transit Bus Rental vehicles
when you EARN your Commercial Driver License

Berry N Transit Rentals Image

Shenise Berry

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Shenise Berry

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