Art of Balance LLC
Art of Balance LLC/ Bird Mejia offers energy healing/life coaching/mentorship to women 21-65. Offerings include Lightworkers University, a 5 month group training journey around the medicine wheel designed for empaths that teaches the roadmap to… Art of Balance LLC/ Bird Mejia offers energy healing/life coaching/mentorship to women 21-65. Offerings include Lightworkers University, a 5 month group training journey around the medicine wheel designed for empaths that teaches the roadmap to personal healing and roadmap to running your own healing business to serve others. Other offerings including life coaching, healing core wound imprints in the energy field, cord cutting, chakra healing, sound meditation, and teaching of Breathwork techniques to alleviate stress and anxiety. Specialities include healing ancestral trauma a d healing the heart. Another offering is an online 7 week Heal Your Heart course. I target POC (people of color) and have a diverse range of clients.
Bird Mejia
Our Story
Coming soon.