
53rd & Gainor

Hello and thank you for this opportunity! My name is Tiffany Abney. I am a professional stunt woman based in Los Angeles, California. My company, "53rd & Gainor" is a tech based production company in which I consult with various studios and… Hello and thank you for this opportunity! My name is Tiffany Abney. I am a professional stunt woman based in Los Angeles, California. My company, "53rd & Gainor" is a tech based production company in which I consult with various studios and production companies. Right now the main services my company offers are providing highly trained stunt performers (including myself) for their projects. My company also offers action design, stunt coordinating, Mentorship, and innovative solutions to work related problems. My main goal for "53rd & Gainor" is to have my own team so we can produce in house projects. Bringing technology and the entertainment industry together is another big goal. In 2017 "53rd & Gainor" launched its first IOS/Android app entitled "Freelance MUA's." I realized while working on set, a lot of the newer people who would assist the hair/makeup teams were receiving a great opportunity by shadowing bigger name artists. However, a lot of them were working for free or very little pay and needed a way to make income in their own time while simultaneously working on set. I came up with "Freelance MUA's "This app allowed makeup artists/nail techs and hair specialists the opportunity to create a profile on the app where clients in their area who needed their particular service can look through their portfolio/schedule and book a service with one of these service providers. Unfortunately the app was launched right before covid and we have not been able to recover since. We just don't have the team to keep up with the cost and oversight of building/maintaining the app. As much as I would love to continue moving forward in the technology aspect of the company, it is not feasible at the moment as it's time consuming and costly. So I continue to build the entertainment side of the company which is actually flourishing.

Tiffany Abney
Our Story
Coming soon.